
Dimitri Pertin

Postdoctoral Researcher

Inria, LS2N, IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France


After receiving a Master of Engineering degree in Systems and Networks from the University of Nantes in 2012, I started a Ph.D in computer science about the designing of fault-tolerant, low-cost and high-performance coding techniques for distributed storage systems. With funding from Rozo Systems , and under the supervision of Nicolas Normand and Benoît Parrein, I defended my thesis in 2016.

Since then, I have been working on the Discovery Initiative as a postdoctoral researcher, at the STACK team of Inria and LS2N. My research deals with distributed application deployment and reconfiguration on dynamic and massively-distributed infrastructures (e.g. Fog and Edge computing).


  • Distributed systems
  • Deployment/reconfiguration
  • Fog/edge computing
  • OpenStack
  • Information theory
  • Erasure coding
  • Discrete geometry


  • Qualification (CNU 27), 2018

    Conseil National des Universités (CNU)

  • PhD in Computer Science, 2016

    University of Nantes

  • MEng in Systems and Networks, 2012

    Polytech Nantes - University of Nantes


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. Mojette Erasure Code for Distributed Storage. Ph.D thesis (manuscript in french, slides in english), 2016.

HAL PDF Code Project Slides



Madeus Application Deployer (MAD)

Python engine for Madeus: a component-based model improving understandability and the performance of distributed software deployment.

Rozobox: resilient distributed storage on 8 RPis

Cluster of Raspberry Pis to experiment, teach and popularize fault-tolerant distributed storage.


RozoFS is a scale-out distributed file system focused on fault-tolerance, low-cost and high-performance.